Abstracts are invited in the form of oral and poster presentations. All those desirous of participating and/or presenting in the conference are requested to complete the online abstract submission. Authors are requested to send one-page abstract in the prescribed format on the website. Abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations should be in Arial Narrow within A4 format. The title should be in bold with a font size of 12 followed by authors name(s) in the next line, and affiliation in the subsequent line(s) as central alignment. This should follow the Email ID of the presenting author. The presenting author should be underlined. The text should follow as single space with Arial narrow font size of 10. References should be placed at the bottom. References should not be cited in the text. The format may be obtained from the template.
The poster session is proposed to highlight the activities in various areas of biomaterials, therapeutics, bioengineering, and regenerative medicine. Best poster awards will be presented to students participating in the poster session. The poster display space of 3 ft (w) x 4 ft (h) will be available for the presenters. A committee comprising of eminent scientists will make its decision on the best posters.
All the selected papers will be published in peer reviewed journal " Critical Reviews in Biomedical engineering".
Online Abstract Submission
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